Sun Oven Cookbook


Sun Oven Cookbook


The Sun Oven Cookbook 2nd Edition contains over 100 of the best Sun Oven solar recipes. This upgraded book is easy to store with your Sun Oven and features 100+ recipes designed to work in base camp & homestead cooking environments. These recipes also work great in any back yard or patio (in direct line with sunshine).

The Sun Oven Cookbook 2nd Edition features:

  • Upgraded category layout makes recipes easy to find.
  • Easy-to-follow recipes with numbered steps.
  • A wide variety of delicious solar dishes.
  • Small lightweight size makes it easy to store with your Sun Oven.
  • Sun Oven tutorial section features 27 pages of info on how to use your Sun Oven!

This cookbook features recipes designed to work off-grid. You won't need any appliances requiring electricity (no food processors, bread makers, etc.). The only other appliances mentioned in some recipes is a grill or stove (when high heat is needed). We assume the reader has access to a gas or wood cooking appliance of some kind. You will also need some type of refrigeration to keep raw meats fresh (we hope this is obvious).



  • 141 pages
  • ISBN: 979-8-218-52614-6
  • 7 1/2" wide x 9 1/4" high x 3/8"
  • Weight 10 ounces


SKU: socb-2

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Susie Manly
Sun oven

Very nice and it works really well. Love it ❤️❤️

Gloria James


Peggy Robbins

Very impressive

Debra Wallace

Sun Oven Cookbook 2nd Edition (Off-Grid)

Watson Prunier
Sun Oven is the future, join now!

Living in one of the richest nations of the world comes with a major disadvantage: hubris!

We never conceive of the worst happening. Preplanning for catastrophes is prudent. Investing in Sun Oven is a must. So many features were built in to not only provide a wonderful experience in cooking but also reduce our footprint to eagerly suspecting eyes.

When the grid goes down, you will wish that you made Sun Ovens a priority!

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